
RE day - Nativity: Journey’s End

We have completed another RE day, and fitting with the time of the year, we have looked at the Nativity story and the journeys that are involved in the Nativity story. We also looked at journeys we’ve made ourselves, how we feel about the journeys and if journeys always have a good ending!

Christmas art

 Today Pear class enjoyed having a Christmas art afternoon. We made collages of snowmen and used a drawing tutorial to draw both Santa Dan his elf. 

PSHE - No Outsiders - Going to the volcano

As part of our No Outsiders this term we looked at the book ‘Going to the volcano.’ Wee looked at how all the children and characters were different but they were all allowed to join in on the journey to the volcano. We talked about how we like to include everyone in our games and we don’t leave anyone out.  The children then drew their own volcanoes and a range of characters going on their journey. They came up with their own headings including “We can all join in”. “Everyone can join in” and “Everyone can come.” 

Big Phonics!

We’ve been practicing all the sounds we’ve learnt so far in Year 1 and the children have been playing some games to practice reading words!

English- The Bear and the Hare

  For the last couple of weeks of term we are using this advert ‘The bear and the Hare’ as a stimulus for our writing. So far we have enjoyed watching the video, and thought about what is happening and how the characters are feeling at different points. We all have admired the kindness of the Hare and found the ending to be heartfelt. I wonder how it will inspire our writing next. 

PHSE- Who are our special people

 Today we thought about the people that are special to us. We considered what made them special, how they make us feel and what qualities they have that make special to us. We then considered what happens if we have a falling out with that person.  We then made a card for our special person to ensure they realize how special they are to us.