
RE Day

This week the children took part in RE day where we looked at celebrations, how the children like to celebrate different occasions and the Christian festival of Harvest. We made our own invitations, shared traditions we do during celebrations and learnt about what happens during a harvest festival. 

RE Festival Workshop- Sukkot

Today Year 1 had their first RE festival workshop with Miss Metcalfe. We looked at the Jewish harvest Festival of Sukkot. This festival is used to show thanks for the food we have and the opportunities provided. Some Jewish people will build Sukkah's in their gardens during the week of Sukkot and spend as much time in them as possible. Having meals, spending time with friends and family, praying and celebrating.  We had a go at making our own sukkah's, usually the roof of a sukkah is made with leaves and twigs and branches so we tried to replicate this in our pictures. 

PHSE- No outsiders

Today' PHSE lesson looked at our whole school intuitive of 'No Outsiders'. This explores how we are all different but all welcome.  Today we read the story of Elmer and considered how he felt at different points of the story, and how we could make him feel welcome.  We then had a go at making our own Elmer's, even our creations all ended up looking different to our friends, but they were all equally good.   

Phonics - igh, ie and i-e

This week we’ve been looking at the ‘igh’ sound and the children have enjoyed lots of phonics activities! 

History - Old Toys Workshop

Year 1 were treated to an amazing old toys workshop this afternoon where they got to continue to find out all about older toys, but this time they were able to see these toys up close! The children were so sensible and respectful whilst handling the older toys, knowing how they could be fragile due to their age. Some were even very 150 years old! They even found some replica toys they had never heard of before but really enjoyed using!