
Showing posts from September, 2024

DT - Levers and pivots

 We continued with our topic on moving pictures today. We looked at how a seesaw worked and talked about levers and pivots. We then had a go at making our own moving pictures with a pivot and lever. We either made a cat with a moving tail or a wolf with a chomping mouth!  The children really enjoyed this and all the moving pictures looked amazing!

Geography - Key places in Gurnard

Today in geography we talked about our local area. We looked at different places in Gurnard and discussed places we like to go in Gurnard with our friends and family. We then drew some pictures of our favourite places in Gurnard. 

PSHE-Thinking about Feelings

 Today we thought about our feelings. We talked about all the different feelings we have and how some feel more comfortable to experience than others. We then played ‘guess the feeling’ with our friends. Can you guess the feelings we have shown with our facial expressions?

Art - Observational drawings

 Today we did some observational drawings of flowers and combined them with our hand prints from last lesson. We looked really carefully at the size and shapes of the flowers and petals and tried to copy them. Everyone worked really hard and did some lovely detailed drawings. The finished prints look amazing!

Big Phonics - Reading and writing words

 This week we have been revising all of our reception sounds. Today we had a go and reading and writing words containing different digraphs from our reception song.  Our independent task was reading words and matching them to the correct picture.  Our task with the teacher was a hunting game. We read our words and had to hunt through the pictures to match the correct one. We all did some super sounding out and blending.  We are definitely ready to start our new year 1 song and sounds next week!