
Showing posts from November, 2024

DT - Moving Picture Cards

Today we made some amazing Christmas cards where we used our previous knowledge of how to use different mechanisms to make a picture move! We had levers, pivots and spin wheels - they all did so well!

PHSE- the importance of rules

 Today in assembly Mrs Yardley spoke to us about the importance of individual liberty, one of our British values. To make her point about how important individual liberty is, she came up with some very bizarre rules for Apple Class to see the children’s reaction. Once the children decided they weren’t fair or reasonable, she explained that is why as a British citizen we value the right to make choices: like who to be friends with, what to read and what to wear.  As a link to this in our PHSE learning we looked at the rules we do have within the school and why we have them. Whilst some children initially were for abolishing all rules, our class discussions soon highlighted that people would get hurt, upset and would disorderly. We talked about some key rules and why we have that rule. Generally we thought that by having rules people are kept safe, healthy and are happier. 

Computing - I can log on to a laptop. I can use the mouse to click and drag.

 Today in our computing lessons we learnt how to log on to the chrome books. We then played a game that practised our mouse skills and we had to click and drag to move different objects. 

PHSE- teasing, bullying or unkind

 Today we considered what it feels like when we fall out with our friends. We then looked at the terms ‘unkind’, ‘teasing’ and ‘bullying’. We explored several situations and considered whether the actions fit those categories. Mrs Yardley was very impressed that we were able to identify when an action was bullying and when it wasn’t. 

English - Big Bad Wolf Wanted Posters

Today in English we made wanted posters for the Big, Bad Wolf! The children remembered their amazing sentences from last week where they described what the wolf looked like and what his personality was like. They knew the poster needed to be detailed so the wolf could be found and they all did an amazing job with their sentences. Year 1 are getting so good at writing sentences with capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!

RE Festival Workshop- Diwali

 Today we learnt about the festival of lights which is a religious festival for many people around the world this time of year. This festival is called the Diwali, but is know as the festival of lights as people use lights and candles as a way to decorate their homes  in hope of welcoming the Goddess of Wealth (Lakshmi) into their lives for the coming year. In recognition of this we decorated our very own Diya lamp and will bring it home today so we can perhaps light the way into our own lives.